Job Seeker FAQs
If you are not registered with us, please apply online and then you will need to come to the nearest IMKO office and complete the rest of the process. Please check for location and office times under contact us.
You should be calling the office you are registered with regularly reporting you are available for work. All our offices have an availability process, make sure you are following it.
IMKO is always your employer while you are on assignment. Whether you work one assignment or various assignments throughout the year, we are your employer for all work and employment issues. You will receive a W-2 from us in January.
Assignments vary in length. You should contact our office if your assignment as ended.
If for any reason you cannot report to work or are late, you should contact our office immediately. You may leave a message if it is before or after open office hours (speak clearly and leave phone number); however, you must follow up by talking to a service coordinator during office hours, so the absence/tardiness will be recorded correctly.
During your assignment, some clients take care of your time for you, some do not. Make sure you know who will be reporting your time. If you are responsible, all time must be turned into our office by noon on Monday. Our standard pay period is Monday thru Sunday, so you must turn in your time the following Monday. Payday is the following Friday (you get paid the week after you work). IMKO does not hold back a week. Submitting time late may delay your paycheck.
For security and privacy reasons, IMKO encourages all employees to be paid by either direct deposit or IMKO pay card. Your local office can get you set up. You may log on to the website each week to see your pay stub. If you are receiving a check, please make sure you know if it will be delivered to your assignment location or if you need to pick it up in our office. You must call before Friday to have your check left in the office. Only you can pick up your paycheck.
The fastest way is calling your local office to get a log-in, so you can see all your pay stubs on-line. All paper verification forms are handled by our corporate department and are only done on certain days. You may fax them to 816-233-9477. Using your log-in is the best and fastest way.
If an accident occurs and you are injured on the job, you must notify a branch manager or safety manager immediately! Do not seek medical treatment until you have talked to us. We want to make sure you receive the care and attention at the proper facility.
Yes, there are several benefits available such as holiday and vacation pay (*hours requirement). Various insurances are available too. Please make sure you read your handbook, all information is discussed there.